
The successful network marketing habits you must have to skyrocket your income

Habit #1: You must make it a MUST to be successful in network marketing.

The starting point of all achievement is a BURNING DESIRE. Your burning desire will serve as the catalyst for all the actions you must take to be successful.

Not just a normal desire, and certainly not a weak one, but a BURNING DESIRE.

Never tell yourself, “I want to be successful in network marketing” or “I should be successful in network marketing.” Say to yourself “I MUST be successful in network marketing!” Using the words “want” or “should” only serves to put out the flame of your desire; the weaker your wish, the less chance you have of success.

Don’t make becoming a success in your business a possibility; make it a necessity! YOU MUST DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER to make this a reality!

Here’s an illustration to illustrate my point: when you wake up to find you’re late for work, you don’t make getting out of bed a possibility, you make it a necessity! You MUST get out of bed or you will have a day’s wages deducted or worse, you may be fired! Apply this same emotional intensity to your network marketing business.

You joined a network marketing company because you have dreams that you want to fulfill. ALWAYS keep these dreams and goals in mind. By keeping the fire of desire burning, you will be constantly motivated to keep taking the steps necessary for your success.


Habit #2: You must guard against any negative sentiment towards network marketing.

This may be the number one reason most people never make life-changing income in their businesses. Deep down, or perhaps on the surface, they have one or more negative beliefs about network marketing in general, or negative feelings about the strategies used to find prospects. Let me give you some examples:

“I don’t want to upset my friends and family.”

“I couldn’t walk up to a stranger and ask ‘Are you keeping your income options open?’ ”

“I have no sales skills, I will never sell any of these products”

“What if no one wants my products? I’ll be left with a garage full of junk!”

“My friends will see me differently when they find out I’m in Network Marketing!”

Do you get the idea? Many people constantly think about what could go WRONG in their business instead of what could go RIGHT. They focus on all the possible negative outcomes that haven’t actually even happened! A highly successful network marketer doesn’t do this.

Now, it’s okay to think about potential problems, but you need to focus on solutions. If you have negative ideas, beliefs, or feelings, you will eventually sabotage your progress. No Negative Belief Feelings!

Habit #3: You must constantly take action; Don’t be lazy! 

This is obviously self explanatory. Every day you need to take a few steps to achieve your network marketing goals. You can’t prospect once every two weeks and expect to be successful. You must constantly take the necessary actions to get closer and closer to your dreams. If you put at least ten hours a week into your network marketing business, you will be successful. The more time you dedicate to it, the better.

Network marketing gives us the opportunity to work diligently for one to three years, retire, and then live the rest of our lives in abundance and luxury from residual income.

Recruit new representatives and build your customer base in the name of the game in this industry. So work hard for those first few years; when you get to the point where you are making more money in a month than most people make all year at their jobs, then you can get lazy!

Habit #4: Don’t let your mistakes keep you from moving forward!

When you start, you will make some mistakes. You have to remember that mistakes are natural and you have to learn from them and move on. Don’t get depressed and start doubting yourself.

When you make a mistake, ask yourself “What can I learn from this?” A question like this will put you in the right frame of mind that will help you grow. The answer to this question will help you improve and show you what NOT to do the next time you find yourself in a similar situation. Winners never quit; And those who give up never win! Take each mistake in stride and keep moving forward. Eventually, you’ll run out of mistakes to make!

Habit #5: You Must Continually Learn New Skills. 

Network marketing attracts people with no prior business skills. A person can start their own business with a small investment and instantly have a structure that can potentially generate lots of cash.

However, this is the reason most network marketers fail; they have little or no skills! To become a top income earner in your opportunity, you must learn sales and marketing. You should also brush up on your conversation and leadership skills.

The only difference between you and the “superstar, 30g/month hotshot from out of town” who teaches and motivates all the distributors in your organization during big meetings is that he simply has more knowledge than you do. Once he’s full of knowledge and experience, he’ll be the big shot!

You should always expand your library with self-developed books, CDs and DVDs. Get in the habit of buying materials that help you learn about sales, marketing, and persuasion. As you learn more skills, you become more valuable to those around you because you will always have words of wisdom to share.

And as they say, “The more you learn, the more you earn!”

Habit #6: You must follow the systems that your company provides 

Many network marketing companies have procedures, also called “systems.” Following these systems generally guarantees your success. If top leaders suggest that you use these systems to build your business, use them.

Does your opportunity have a conference call system? use it Do you have a System of Weekly Meetings? use it 3-way calls required? do them. Is additional training available? Leverage. Are there Big Events throughout the year? Wait for them.

These systems are used in most network marketing companies for a reason; they work! Three-ways provides third-party validation to new recruits; conference calls provide regular training and dealer success stories; weekly meetings reignite the fire in recruits who may have hit a sluggish streak; Big events are like family reunions where you meet new people, get more intensive training, and share hundreds of hugs and kisses! (I love big events!)

Habit #7: You should use inbound marketing to generate non-stop leads for your business. 

When I mention “follow the systems” in Habit #6, I mean those systems that your company promotes for people who ARE ALREADY IN BUSINESS. However, many companies are teaching prospecting “systems” that include the 3 foot rule, “follow the dollar,” warm market name lists, and other old school techniques that are supposed to help you attract NEW PEOPLE to the business.

In the age of the Internet, these outdated techniques hardly work and only lead to frustration. This is one of the reasons why 97% of network marketers fail. However, those of us who use the Internet and keep up with modern times have embraced a new paradigm called Attraction Marketing.

Attraction marketers use the Internet combined with modern technology to create a system that generates leads for our businesses. Network marketers still using the old school techniques that worked well in the 1980s and 1990s, but are extremely effective today, are being slaughtered by those of us who have adapted this new way of doing business.

An Attraction Marketing system can help you build a thriving network marketing business WITHOUT producing a “warm market name list,” WITHOUT bugging your friends and family, and WITHOUT bugging complete strangers about your business.

It is now possible and quite easy to use the internet and modern technology to have dozens of excited and eager prospects ACTUALLY CALLING YOU to ask about your opportunity… and you WILL STILL MAKE MONEY even if they decide NOT to join your business!


So there you have it. Seven Habits that will guarantee your success!! As you can see, most of these clothes have to do with your thoughts. The ONLY thing you have 100% control over is your thoughts.

Having the right mental attitude is absolutely critical to your success; These seven items will help you in your quest for financial independence. If you only tailor a few of these clothes, you will get a substantial increase in income; However, if you use them all, your network marketing business will explode!

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