Is water retention a concern?

Excessive fluid retention is a serious symptom and should be addressed immediately by your healthcare professional. You must treat water retention before it damages your heart. Check these water retention symptoms (as listed in The Waterfall Diet) 1- Do you have trouble losing weight, no matter how hard you try? 2- Press a fingernail firmly into the pad of the […]

Hoodia Gordonii Side Effects – Is It Safe To Breastfeed While Taking Hoodia Diet Pills?

Many women worry about shedding extra pregnancy weight once their baby is born. The race begins immediately after birth to return to their pre-pregnancy weight and regain their normal figures as quickly as possible. If you find yourself in this situation and decide that the easiest and most effective way to achieve this goal is to use diet pills, it’s […]

Money can’t buy fitness, you have to earn it

It’s long been said that money can’t buy everything and most will agree if they’re truly honest putting the nonsense aside. Money can’t buy you true love. Money cannot buy back your youth or bring back loved ones who have passed away. And besides, money can’t buy fitness no matter how much you spend out of pocket. To make that […]

Easy Fat Loss – A Step By Step Guide!

If you’ve tried many so-called easy fat loss methods, but haven’t gotten a positive response, then don’t worry. It is not necessary to use difficult and useless methods in this regard. It will be really amazing for you to lose your desired weight by following a few easy steps. By considering the following steps, you will notice that your extra […]

Ways to lose muscle mass on purpose

Is it politically incorrect to say “losing muscle on purpose”? You always hear people say lose weight. I’m just as guilty as the next person. For the most part, it’s something that people don’t like to face. For some, it makes perfect sense that they try to lose muscle because they want to. Aren’t you supposed to gain as much […]