Candida yeast infection: what is it and how to cure it

Let’s start with a little scientific background on yeast infections. According to Wikipedia, the genus Candida and the species Candida albicans were described in 1923 by botanist Christine Marie Berkhout in her doctoral thesis at Utrecht University. Over time, the classification of genera and species has evolved. There are about 150 species of candida. Most do not cause infections in […]

Gluten-free food substitutes

Gluten is a type of protein found mainly in wheat, barley, and rye. People with intestinal diseases cannot consume gluten, as the lower amount of gluten can produce abnormal immune responses, damaging the small intestine. People with this disease often experience gas, bloating, weight loss, diarrhea, weakness, and vomiting, etc. because damaged intestines cannot absorb the vitamins, minerals, and other […]

Why my diet does not work?

In 1990 I decided to become a vegetarian. Well, to be exact, Pescetariano, I kept eating fish and shellfish. My reasons were mainly due to the fact that I was becoming more and more uncomfortable cooking and eating meat and I did not like the idea of ​​killing animals. I had also become very active in the new age movement […]

Simple Strategies for Survival in the Workplace

If you are having difficulties in the workplace, it could be because you are bringing some incorrect assumptions and expectations to your job. Many people unknowingly bring their emotional baggage to work, and if they’re not careful it can turn a job into a nightmare. The workplace has several elements: your colleagues, your boss, and your actual job. All of […]