Home Kitchen

A simple philosophy to decorate your home

When you buy your first home or if you’re just tired of how your current home looks, you should follow this simple philosophy for decorating your home. Many people get lost in the spaces of their homes because they are worried about what others will think when the housewarming party arrives a month later. Don’t worry about what others think about decorating your home. Since you’re going to be looking at your wall, your floors, and your cabinets every day for years to come, you should be the only one with a voice. If you want popcorn in the middle of the kitchen so you can make popcorn for a movie whenever you want, you should get one.

There are very few reasons to be truly happy in this world, and if something as simple as a popcorn machine makes you smile, then you shouldn’t care if your pretentious friends think about it. When you have that first housewarming party, be proud and confident in what you’ve done with the place and your friends will cherish your home as a mural of who you are as a person. They will appreciate that you appreciate it. If you want that Al Pacino poster in a poster frame right above the mantle, then you should hang that piece like a Picasso.

Individualism is suffering in our society and everything is starting to look the same. It was about time someone got up and decorated their own home in a way that pleased them. I’m not saying decorate your house like a fun house or clown college, but put that metal stool wherever you want, for crying out loud. Spending a few hundred thousand dollars on a house can be a painful decision and people should really be commended for it. But if they are later mocked when they decorate it with their own tastes, it makes the whole purchase sour instead of sweet.

So next time you see your friends new home, try hugging the popcorn machine and big dog poster. Pretend their house is an extension of your friends’ house instead of trying to match it to a page in the Pottery Barn catalog. Happy house hunting and remember to make it yours after you sign those papers.

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