Between love and familiarity

We often feel deep empathy for certain people whom we do not receive in return. They tend to be negative types of people, such as high-tempered or narcissistic people, who take advantage of our goodness for their own desire. Somewhere deep in our thoughts, we think that maybe if we treated them well and showed them our great kindness, they […]

The skies not so friendly

The apprehension of boarding a plane today is well founded. Almost everyone associates the fear of flying with the feeling that the plane will crash. They may have a valid point; Because now, most commercial airlines have done away with two engines on their planes. This, in the interest of reducing fuel costs, has jeopardized the safety of passengers. A […]

Using Occam’s razor at home

I hate the Woody Allen quote “Those who can’t do, teach” because it’s definitely a myth. Unfortunately, however, I occasionally find that I ignore the principles I know and teach others to follow! Take, for example, Occam’s razor. This principle is commonly understood to mean that if there are two or more explanations for an event, the simpler is usually […]