
How to do a sensual, sexual and erotic massage that will really turn you on

Why would you want to spend time giving your partner a sensual, erotic and sexual massage? These are some of the reasons to give your lover a sensual massage tonight. The massage shows that you love your partner and can give him a loving touch. Touch is a wonderful way to relax your partner. It teaches you to give pleasure to your partner. It teaches you that an erotic and sexual massage can really turn on your lover.

You can learn everything about giving. Receiving it teaches you to surrender. You can discover some erotic hot spots in your lover.

Tips for sensual, erotic and sexual massages

I have training in professional erotic massages for men and women. Here are some sex massage tips that work for me.

The first tip is to bring the energy of love into your hands. To do this, before the massage, feel when you really loved someone from the past. This could be your current partner or a lover from the past. Really feel this energy in your heart.

Loving energy in sexual massage

Now, feel or imagine the energy of love reaching your palms and leaving your hands. When you play to learn how to do a sensual massage, let the energy of love flow out of your hands and fingers and flow to your lover.

This kind of love is unconditional. A person who receives unconditional love can often heal deep emotional problems. Sometimes during the massage feelings may arise that need to be released. Sadness and anger are some of the emotions I have seen.

Breathing in Erotic Massage

The second tip is to deepen your breathing when you are giving the massage. Try to breathe from your belly. I also take more time with each breath. What it does is increase the energy level of your body. This energy will come out of your hands. Your hands will feel really warm.

Presence in Sensual Massage

The next tip is to really put your awareness in your hands when you are doing any movement. Try to get out of your head and into your body. Have no appendages. The less you are in your head, the more your lover will feel your energy and your love.

You will find that when you are very present in your hands, the massage movements slow down. This will also have an impact on the quality of the touch. The more present you are, the more your lover will relax.

To make the energy transfer more pleasant, really enjoy massaging your partner. Explore the body of your lover and if she is a woman, the smooth skin and the curves. Instead of trying to please your partner, immerse yourself in your own pleasure. The funny thing is that this will also give your lover more pleasure.

Talking dirty can drive her crazy.

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