Health Fitness

Success breeds more success

It is very difficult to imagine what success will look like in your mind in any endeavor before you actually achieve it. I’ve written over 50 books, sold a ton, but still haven’t had a million-selling book. I want one, I work on it every day, but I haven’t achieved this success yet. There are a number of reasons why people do and do not achieve success. Libraries are filled with hundreds of books on all aspects of success. So what do those of us who are trying to achieve some future success do when we can’t accurately verbalize what it will look like, feel like, or be like when we get there?

What I have discovered is that a pattern of success in the past can lead to continued success in the future.

One of the most effective ways to ensure a successful future in any area of ​​your life is to build small successes one at a time. Let me explain.

If you want to lose 25 pounds, focus on losing one pound a week instead of all 25. If you can lose a pound a week or even just half a pond a week, you’re moving in the right direction. Keep it up and before you know it you’ll have lost 25. Stay focused on losing a pound a week and don’t worry about how long it will take to lose 25.

Every week you lose one pound it will be easier for you to lose the second the second week and so on.

You want to be financially independent in ten years. Focus on saving a portion of your income each week or month. No matter how small the amount, what matters is the habit of doing it routinely every week or month. Stop worrying about how much you’ll need in ten or twenty years, just build one success at a time and watch your net worth grow, gradually and slowly at first, but in the end it’s the habits that matter and not the results.

For me, it’s writing every day and getting better at my writing every day. And sooner or later, I’m confident I’ll have a million seller book. Now, you could help me with this by purchasing just one of my 57 books available on my website. (Everything helps, so why don’t you do your part to help me reach my goal? I’m doing everything I can to help you reach your goals and improve the quality of your life with these weekly tips, I mean it’s only fair! you do something to help me!

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