
The influence of arts and crafts on the development of language and problem-solving skills

Children develop with or without enrichment activities, however, without them, their development is affected. Arts and crafts are enriching activities that contribute to various developmental skills including, but not limited to, cognitive, motor, language, verbal problem solving, and goal setting skills. This article discusses the positive influence of arts and crafts activities on language and verbal problem-solving skills. Other skills mentioned here will be covered in future articles.

Expanded vocabulary and object recognition

As soon as children are born, language skills begin to develop. A baby’s babble develops into single-syllable words that become more complex and expand into multi-word sentences. Without verbal interaction with others, language skills would be very poor. So what does this have to do with arts and crafts? Interactions between the child, the adult, and other children involved in arts and crafts (or any activity) benefit language development. These benefits include expanded vocabulary and object recognition skills, development of verbal problem-solving skills, and increased communication skills through discussion and description as you create your project. To facilitate these benefits, engage in creative activities with your children.

As you participate in the activity with your child, continually talk out loud about what you are doing. She names the objects as she picks them up. Ask the child to hand you an object, especially if he doesn’t know what it is. Also, if an item or process is known by different names, swap the use of them. For example, popsicle sticks are also called craft sticks. Other words for gluing are adhere, attach, tie, connect, etc. Mix up your vocabulary and labels.

As you converse with your child, especially younger children, it’s important to keep the instructions tailored to their age or skill level; however, don’t “muzzle” the conversation or use “baby talk.” Speak in a tone you would use with an older child or adult. Add words and labels that the child does not know. Give the meaning of the word only if the child asks, otherwise you risk a response like, “I know what that means. I’m not dumb.”

Solving word problems

Don’t talk to everyone. Ask the child to explain what he is doing and why. Have the child teach you how to do something. He might comment that he likes how they completed part of his project and ask them to show him how to do it. Ask questions as directed. If you don’t understand, tell him. This will give them a chance to clarify their instructions. If you see the child struggling, ask him to explain what he is trying to do. Ask questions like “What do you think will work?” or “What have you thought of trying?” Jumping in and offering help will deprive them of the opportunity to solve their own problem and lower their tolerance for frustration. If the child asks for help right away, ask the questions above to guide them toward solving their own problems.

As you work, comment on decisions or problems you encounter while you work. “I need this account to be pasted here. I’m not sure how to do it. Maybe I’ll try it.” If it doesn’t work, keep talking about what else you’ll try. Demonstrate what steps to take with a frustrating problem you can’t solve. “Damn. This account is making me angry. It won’t stick here.” Can you help me with this please?” This is a positive demonstration of feeling recognition, problem solving, and helping skills.

Given the opportunity to participate in enriching arts and crafts activities, children can increase their language and problem-solving skills in the right environment. This sets up a situation where you can show the child instead of tell him. The added bonus is that learning is made effortless with fun-filled arts and crafts activities.

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