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when the sabers sound

General of the Army General Douglas MacArthur has been right all along: “War is the most malignant scourge of humanity.” This is something that Trump does not understand. This latest foreign policy debacle and blunders of military action could have unleashed a torrent of violent reprisals against liberties everywhere. Make no mistake, Trump’s recklessness to unleash deadly force cannot fathom that two wrongs don’t make it right.

We have to remember to go back to the first Bush administration to understand how the United States has looted and blundered its way through the Middle East. Each administration since then has only increased tensions around the world. It’s not bad enough that our planet is in the midst of one of the greatest threats to all forms of life. But, when you add the foreign policies of the last 30 years, many might wonder, are we at the end of time as we know it? The Bible has announced Armageddon, an apocalyptic scenario where the fate of humanity hangs by a thread. And, if we are not careful, this time it may be.

Our leaders have forgotten what history is supposed to teach us. Because if they had, our world would be so much safer now. We had better be quick to quell mistrust amid the nations’ hunger for retaliation. What our leaders were allowed to get away with just to feed their hunger for more power, control and wealth is beyond dispute. We continue to witness the results of these atrocities.

Now the questions are: With the world teetering on the brink of destruction where at any moment Trump yells his way into antagonism with either Iran, Iraq or North Korea, what can be done to extinguish the flames of hatred and reprisals from everyone? Or do we sit back and let this Administration get away with murder? We have already seen what Trump has ordered the military to do. And are the top brass in the military so weak in accepting and not questioning what Trump orders?

We need leaders who are compassionate, not belligerent. We need leaders who understand differences in cultures and seek paths of mutual respect, understanding, and affection. We need leaders who are capable of using tolerance to achieve lasting peace with all nations. It’s too bad because Trump has shown and is showing just how incapable he really is of understanding what needs to be done to alleviate this growing crisis in the Middle East that our leaders and Administrations have created in the first place.

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