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Yog Mudra for Arthritis

Diet and eating changes, adequate rest, regular Yog Mudras, lifestyle changes, excessive weight loss, and joint pain are proven to cure. Yoga for arthritis improves blood circulation in the joints and helps eliminate unwanted toxins and other waste products. Now even Western research has shown that exercise, especially Yoga and various Yog Mudras, can control arthritis. The fact is that if the arthritis patient tries to move the joints, the pain increases, so he does not move the joints, and therefore the problem increases. As there is no movement, the situation worsens. So, through yoga for arthritis done slowly, controlled physical movement of the joints is helpful for arthritis patients.

Arthritis: “art”, which means joint, “itis”, which means inflammation. The most depressing aspect of the disease is that it is not easily cured with medication when it is in the chronic stages.

How To Cure Joint Pain With Different Yog Mudras –

Vayu Mudra: Bend the index finger over the pad of the thumb and press the index finger through the thumb.

Vayu mudra helps to control joint pain, muscle pain, any kind of numbness, joint swelling, and even Kampan Bai.

Diet and water:

Diet is the most important factor in joint problem. A healthy diet and water will help flush waste and toxins out of the body. The vegetarian diet, especially raw foods, raw juice, sprouted grains, and wheatgrass juice, is very beneficial. The patient should drink about 100 ml of wheatgrass juice daily in the morning and this amount should slowly rise to 300 ml.

The patient should totally avoid canned cooked foods. Always try to have fresh food.

Try to avoid foods rich in Vath like soy, Kadi, Arbi, Uradh dal, Rajama, lady finger, baigan, especially curd at night.

Boiled vegetables, greens, and rice cooked with cloves are good to eat.

Add ginger, methi dana in the diet.

Drinking plenty of lukewarm water from Luke helps flush toxins out of the body.

Fasting once a week is also very helpful.

Body cleansing kriyas:

The yogic body cleansing processes known as Shatkarmas are extremely powerful because they work on specific areas of the body that have the maximum impact on our health. These detox techniques are a kind of cleansing that helps the body rid itself of toxins. When the different systems of the body have been purified, the overall result is that energy can flow freely through the body. One’s ability to work, think, digest, taste, feel, experience, etc., increases and greater awareness develops. Enema: The patient should be given a warm enema with lemon juice. Arthritis patients should receive appropriate treatment under the guidance of an experienced naturopath, magnetotherapist, acupressure therapist, or acupuncture therapist.

Yoga Asans

Simple yogic basic kriyas, such as different types of joint movement and lameness, help improve blood circulation in these parts of the body; Various other types of Yogasan such as: Vajrasan, Pawanmukatasan, Uttanpadasan, Surya Namasker, Sarapasan, bhuanj asan, padam asan, trikonasan, tarasan, kati chakra asan, Anulom Vilom Pranayam, etc. they are very useful for arthritis patients.


The whole body massage with herbal oils that contain essential oil of garlic, Arand, Methi are very useful to cure joint pain. A light massage of Ayurveda Mahanarayan medicinal oil on the limbs and joints is also essential. Oil loaded with red should be applied on the joints and a proper scientific massage on the joints should be performed.

Excretory Organs and Foreign Matter: Foreign matter must be adequately excreted through the excretory organs (skin, lungs, intestines, and kidneys). Hot foot bath, steam bath, sun bath, hip bath and refreshing wet sheek pack, etc. It helps a lot to excrete foreign matter.

Promotion of cold and heat: The promotion of cold and heat should be applied on the patient’s joints. A three-minute hot pack and a 1-minute cold pack should be applied for about 12 months. Treatment should begin with a warm compress and end with a cold compress.

Chromotherapy plays a vital role in the treatment of arthritis. Here are some tips: –

Green loaded water: Approximately 1-2 cups of green loaded water should be administered to the patient on an empty stomach three times a day. This helps remove toxic matter from the body.

Herbal therapy: Ajwayan or methi dana or saunth or lahsun or bathwa or nirgundi etc. They are very useful in treating arthritis. Approximately 5 g of methi dana soaked in water or salt powder, 2.5 g with honey, should be administered to the patient.

Mud therapy:

Mud therapy helps a lot in arthritis. Reduces pain, toxic matter and obesity.

Healthy tips.

Try to avoid pain relievers. Instead of pain relievers, use wax packets to control pain.

Try to control constipation, use issabgol, Trifala, bail powder.

Try to avoid stress, stay calm and away from anyone’s jealousy. Practice meditation techniques to distract your mind.

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